Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to our English Blog!

Welcome! I am happy to start our first ELA/ESL blog for class 803!

So lets get started!
1. Sign each post or reply with your NAME- you will get credit only if I know it is you!
2. Answer the questions thouroughly in COMPLETE SENTENCES
3. This is a SCHOOL blog not a PERSONAL blog- no personal discussions desired (any violation of this rule will result in you being blocked from the blog and made to do the assignments by hand
4. This is a class blog which means ALL of my students are able to see your response, please avoid sharing anything you wouldn't want them to read
5. Answer the questions by the DUE DATE for full credit

Assignment 1:

1. Name some examples of the "Four Olds." If the Cultural Revolution were to happen in the U.S. today, what among your family's possessions would be considered "Four Old?"

2. How would you feel if someone wanted to search your home?

3. What do you think about having to blog for ELA?


  1. they would consider you as a fourold by:
    old ideas
    names that promote money wealth heaven religion
    having a house keeper.
    fourtune.stamps of other different countryies and city

  2. i would feel scared because what if my parents are hiding something bad and i dont knoe about it and the red guards find it then it would be scary because then what would happen next to us.i would be also mad because what if they take something i loved and they would also leave a big mess in my house

  3. i feel so happy because is better i would learn more in english.and it would keep me up for the whole period because i think that kids rather do workin thier laptops then doing it in loose leaf fun

  4. old ideas

    old culters

    old customs

    old habbits

  5. 1. What I condsider osme four olds Is a neklace my mother has a silver watch my granpa has and a birthstone that I keep in private and if it was ever taking away from them and me I would be really mad and I would not let it happen because that it very precious to my family and myself.

    2.If somone wanted to search my house I would say for what and why and then I would deside from their.

    3.I thinkthis blog is something new for us and we can make this like our class little email that way we can post assigments even from our home computer I myself think that its awsome!

  6. well i think it will be money,pictures of family there where in the old times also clothes that are skinny jeans, house keeper

    if someone will search my home i will feel acured i will feel scared worried and i think mad.

    haveing a blog is great i like it cause it better then writeing with pen and paper u culd also see the people opininons

  7. 1. one of the way that they would consider you as a four old if u had pictures,or had long black robs,or if u had a home keeper,or had a stamp from another contry or state

    2.i would fell really said because they are takeing all ur stuff from ur house and just urning it...i think that i would go crazy if i had someone checking and makeing a mess thought all mey stuff.

    3.i fell that this is going to be really fun cause this is a another way thayt we can al comunicate with each other, also that it going to be fun because i never wrote a blog before and i never have spoken to my techer throught a web site so i think this is going to be really cool,fun,exciting.!!! = ]

  8. they would consider you as a fourold by:
    old culture
    ansestor worship
    fortune telling

  9. pour la premiere question je pens si c'est vieux estait de bonne personne il serait conntant de voir tous ca ce produier

    and for the second question i well be fear for this propos.I well be fear because if he was police who search sometings and if he (trouver)this in my home my family well be in prison

  10. If someone wanted to search my house i would get mad and scared at the same time and I'll probably get a weapon to get them out of my house

  11. Having a blog for ELA is really good because i could get updated in any work that I'm missing and if I'm absent I could just go to the blog
    so I feel pretty good about having a blog for ELA

  12. Good job with your first electronic assignment! I will let you know in class when the next one is due, but as always if you check in here regularly you can do the assignment early!
