Monday, May 4, 2009

Historical Contemporary

As we read further into our books many of you have noticed that some of the people mentioned in the diaries were real people. These people are historical contemporaries, meaning they lived in that time period along with your character.

Assignment due Monday May 4, 2009

1. Who is the President/King/Queen during your book's time period?

2. Find one person's name mentioned in your book. Was this person a real person?

3. Research this person's biography, when and where were they born? What did they contribute to the world? Find one picture of them if you can.


  1. 1. in my biik so far it hasent said anything about a presiden/king or queen

    2.amelia martin

    3.i cant find no biograpy to research

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. victoria is the princess for now.and her mom victorie is the queen and george the 3 is the king.

    frederick duke of york.

    In 1801, Frederick, Duke of York, the second son of George III and Commander-in-Chief of the British Army for most of the Great War, founded the Royal Military Asylum (2) by royal charter. In his day, York was the butt of a lampoon that became so well known it take its place in the annals of nursery rhymes as 'The Grand old Duke of York, he had ten thousand men; he marched them to the top of the hill and march down again. (3) Funded by the Army, the RMA became a home to children of fallen rank and file soldiers. At the height of the war, the RMA was home to 1,500 military orphans, 1,000 boys and 500 girls. he died in 1924.

  4. 1. in my book theres no queen or king they havent talk about the president so far

    2.senator bobby .. the younger brother of j.f.k

    3.Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy (November 20, 1925–June 6, 1968), also called RFK, was an American politician. He was United States Attorney General from 1961 to 1964 and a United States Senator from New York from 1965 until his assassination in 1968. He was one of the younger brothers of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and also one of his most trusted advisers, working closely with the president during the Cuban Missile Crisis. After his brother's November 1963 assassination, Kennedy continued as Attorney General under President Lyndon B. Johnson for nine months. After breaking with Johnson over the Vietnam War, he resigned in September 1964 and was elected as a Senator from New York that November.

    After Eugene McCarthy nearly defeated Johnson in the New Hampshire primary in early 1968, Kennedy announced his own campaign for president, seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party. Kennedy defeated McCarthy in the critical California primary but was shot shortly after midnight of June 5, 1968, dying on June 6. On June 9, President Johnson assigned security staff to all Presidential candidates and declared an official day of national mourning in response to the public grief following Kennedy's death.

    Robert Francis Kennedy was born on November 20, 1925, in Brookline, Massachusetts, the seventh child of Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald.

    In September 1927, when he was almost 2, Kennedy moved with his family to a rented 20-room mansion in Riverdale, New York, then two years later, moved 5 miles (8.0 km) northeast to a 21-room mansion on a 6-acre (24,000 m2) estate in Bronxville, New York, purchased in May 1929. Kennedy spent summers with his family at their home in Hyannisport, Massachusetts, purchased in 1929, and Christmas and Easter holidays with his family at their winter home in Palm Beach, Florida, purchased in 1933. He attended public elementary school in Riverdale from kindergarten through 2nd grade, then Bronxville School, the public school in Bronxville from 3rd through 5th grade, then Riverdale Country School, a private school for boys in Riverdale for 6th grade.

    In March 1938, when he was twelve years old, Kennedy sailed on his first trip abroad on the SS Manhattan with his mother and his four youngest siblings to England where his father had begun serving as American ambassador. Kennedy attended Gibbs School for Boys at 134 Sloane Street in London for 7th grade, returning to the United States just before the outbreak of World War II in Europe.

    In September 1939, for 8th grade, Kennedy was sent 200 miles (320 km) away from home to St. Paul's School, an elite private prep school for boys in Concord, New Hampshire. However he did not like it and his mother thought it too Episcopalian, so after two months at St. Paul's, Kennedy transferred to Portsmouth Priory School, a Benedictine boarding school for boys in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, for 8th through 10th grades. In September 1942, Kennedy transferred to Milton Academy, a third boarding school in Milton, Massachusetts, for 11th and 12th grade.

    In October 1943, six weeks before his 18th birthday, Kennedy enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve as an apprentice seaman, released from active duty until March 1944 when he left Milton Academy early to report to the V-12 Navy College Training Program at Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His V-12 training was at Harvard (March–November 1944), Bates College in Lewiston, Maine (November 1944–June 1945), and Harvard (June 1945–January 1946). On December 15, 1945 the U.S. Navy commissioned the destroyer USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. and shortly thereafter granted Kennedy's request to be released from naval officer training to serve starting on February 1, 1946 as an apprentice seaman on the ship's shakedown cruise in the Caribbean. On May 30, 1946 he received his honorable discharge from the Navy.

    In September 1946, Kennedy entered Harvard as a junior having received credit for his two and a half years in the V-12 program. Kennedy worked hard to make the Harvard varsity football team as an end, was a starter and scored a touchdown in the first game of his senior year before breaking his leg in practice, earning his varsity letter when his coach sent him in for the last minutes of the Harvard-Yale game wearing a cast. Kennedy graduated from Harvard with a B.A. in government in March 1948 and immediately sailed off on RMS Queen Mary with a college friend for a six-month tour of Europe and the Middle East, accredited as a correspondent of the Boston Post, for which he filed six stories. Four of these stories, filed from Palestine shortly before the end of the British Mandate, provide an inside view of the tensions that would lead up to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.[1]

    In September 1948, Kennedy enrolled at the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville, Virginia. On June 17, 1950, Kennedy married Ethel Skakel at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Greenwich, Connecticut. Kennedy graduated from law school in June 1951 and flew with Ethel to Greenwich to stay in his father-in-law's guest house. Kennedy's first child, Kathleen, was born on July 4, 1951, and Kennedy spent the summer studying for the Massachusetts bar exam.

    In September 1951, Kennedy went to San Francisco as a correspondent of the Boston Post to cover the convention concluding the Treaty of Peace with Japan. In October 1951, Kennedy embarked on a seven-week Asian trip with his brother John (then Massachusetts 11th district congressman) and his sister Patricia to Israel, India, Vietnam, and Japan. Because of their eight-year separation in age, the two brothers had previously seen little of each other. This 25,000-mile (40,000 km) trip was the first extended time they had spent together and resulted in their becoming best friends in addition to being brothers.

    [edit] Career until 1960

    In November 1951, Kennedy moved with his wife and daughter to a townhouse in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. and started work as a lawyer in the Internal Security Section (which investigated suspected Soviet agents) of the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice. In February 1952, he was transferred to the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn to prosecute fraud cases. On June 6, 1952, Kennedy resigned to manage his brother John's successful 1952 Senate campaign in Massachusetts.

    In December 1952, at the behest of his father, he was appointed by Republican Senator Joe McCarthy as assistant counsel of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.[2] He resigned in July 1953 but "retained a fondness for McCarthy."[3] After a spell as an assistant to his father on the Hoover commission, Kennedy rejoined the Senate committee staff as chief counsel for the Democratic minority in February 1954.[4] When the Democrats gained the majority in January 1955, he became chief counsel. Kennedy was a background figure in the televised McCarthy Hearings of 1954 into the conduct of McCarthy.[5]

    Kennedy soon made a name for himself as the chief counsel of the 1957–59 Senate Labor Rackets Committee under chairman John L. McClellan. In a dramatic scene, Kennedy squared off with Jimmy Hoffa during the antagonistic argument that marked Hoffa's testimony.[6] Kennedy left the Rackets Committee in late 1959 in order to run his brother John's successful presidential campaign.

  5. 1)the president in my book in this time is James Buchanan (1857-1861) and the vice president John C. Breckinridge (1857-1861)
    2)one person that they mentioned was harriet tubman and she is a real person who was part of the underground railroad
    3)harriet tubman was born in 1820 dont know where she was born cause slaves well not keep there brithdates and she saved alot of slaves with the undergroundrailroad

  6. 1.the empire in my book was called Arjumand Banu Begum and his father is called Abdul Hasan Asaf Khan.

    2.yes abdul hasan asaf khan is real

    3.he waqs born in 1625 and he was born in india,Asaf Khan died on 12 June, 1641 and his tomb was commissioned to be built in Shahdara tomb complex in Lahore by Shah Jahan. It is built to the west of Jahangir's mausoleum.

  7. 1 the president is Thomas Jefferson 2 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and both of them are real. 3 meriwether lewis born August 18, 1774–October 11, 1809 he explore the Louisiana Purchase

  8. 1)the queen in my book is,queen mary.she as the queen of england in 1912.

    2)no it was as not but the history around that persin is real.

    3)right now i cant get the person's info because the name is a fake name and i dint know the real name of the omen who was in the titanic.

  9. 1.In the year 1944 the president was Author Bancs

    2. One person is named Richard

    3. Scott Collins went to ear for his contry and the picture of them can found on gogle images

  10. 1. The president was Harry S. Truman.
    2.Willie Mays
    3.Willie Mays was born on May 6, 1931 in Alabama. He won 2 mvp awards, and tied a record for 24 all-star game appearances. He ended his career with 660 homeruns. He played for the Birmingham Black Barons like in my story.
    my laptop in class didnt i couldnt do it in class
