Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's all about your PERSPECTIVE

We have been talking a lot about a person's perspective on history. As we begin our Historical Fiction Unit we will continue to ask this question about perspectives and their influence on how history is remembered.

Assignment: Due Thursday, April 2, 2009

1. What is the difference between personal history and collective history? Give one example for each one.

2. What is the purpose of schools teaching collective history to students?

3. Do you think Social Studies classes around the world teach the same material? Would you learn history the same way? Why or why not?

4. What is your PERSPECTIVE on this news story? What is your reaction to how this couple gets around?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Protectors or Predators?

As we were talking about in class, history is defined by the PERSPECTIVE of the person looking at it. Was it a conquest over EVIL or was it a destruction of a GOOD community? It depends upon who is writing history.
In the book The Red Scarf Girl Ji-Li lives through the Communist Regime of Chairman Mao. Use the book to answer the following questions.

Assignment due Friday March 27

1. From what PERSPECTIVE is the book told?

2. How would the book be different if the narrator was Ji-Li's Communist friend Chang Hong?

3. How would the book be different if the narrator was "Six-Fingers" the man who searched the houses?

4. Why do you think the book is written from Ji-Li's PERSPECTIVE?

Monday, March 23, 2009

An Educable Child?

Recently, Ji-Li has been experience success in her school, but she has been unwilling to embrace it because she is too afraid of being ridiculed for being part of a "black" family. She even tried to change her last name in hopes of getting away from the "landlord family that she hated".

Assignment 6: due Monday, March 23

1. How do you feel about Ji-Li's outburst at her mother, when she screamed that she hated her landlord family? Was she justified in saying that or was she being cruel?

2. Ji-Li was elected for the Propaganda Committee and joined even though she thought her class status would get in the way. When the news of the 'Half-City Jiangs' got in the papers she eventually was taken off of the Exhibition.
-was this fair to do to her?
-have you ever been asked to be in a group that you felt like you did not belong in? Whould you have joined such a group?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

EdPerformance: a good measuring tool or a waste of time?

Simple question today! Due Thursday March 19th

1. What is you opinion of the EdPerformance series?
a. what is one potential GOOD thing that it does?
b. What is one potential BAD thing it does?
c. do you think it accurately measures how good of a reader you are?

2. How do you feel when you see your reading grade level after you are done with the test?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Great Expectations

When we last left off, our central character Ji-Li was hurrying away from Junior High School sending an excuse to Teacher Zhang for not joining the Blackboard Newspaper Team. As she remembered her earlier Primary years she thought
"People were jealous of me because I was favored. I remembered the humiliating talk with the Red Successors, the terrible accusations of the da-zi-bao. Why should I go through that again?"
Ji-Li decides to run away from being the best and instead tries her best to be mediocre (being okay). Will she be able to be happy being mediocre? Would you?

Assignment #4 Due Thursday March 12
1. In your own words talk about Ji-Li's reasons for not joining the blackboard Newspaper team.

2. Respond to Ji-Li's decision to be mediocre instead of trying to excel, will she be happy being just 'okay'? Would you?

3. Have you ever purposely tried to be just 'okay' at something even if you knew you could do better? Is yes, describe the situation. If no, give possible reasons why a person might try to be bad at something.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


We have been reading The Red Scarf Girl for a few weeks now in class. This past week we finished the chapter titled Fate. Ji-Li and her best friend An-Yi discussed how the 'wheel of fate' seemed to be turning for some of their classmates, namely the character of Du Hai.

Du Hai's, Ji-Li's annoying classmate who called her out on being a grand daughter of a landlord thus not allowing her to become a part of the Red Successors, own mother went from being a Neighborhood chairwoman to being a victim of the revolution.

Several instances of pain, mistrust and danger have started to show up around Ji-Li's life. She has continued to say that these instances are because of fate.
Some people might argue that people have Free will and can make their lives turn out however they choose by their actions.

Assignment 3:due Monday March, 9th

1. Why do you think Ji-Li blames fate for her families problems?

2. Do you think it was possible for Ji-Li to use her Free Will to change her bad situation? Why or why not?

3. Make a prediction about Ji-Li's family, what do you think will happen to her and her family as the revolution continues? Will the 'wheel of fate' turn for them too?

Monday, March 2, 2009

My best days of reading

This week we are celebrating two BIG reading days.

Firstly, Monday 3/2, is a very Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss! I grew up loving his rhyming books and the illustrations even more. Did you know that Dr. Suess was very involved in getting kids to learn to read and understand the English language? His books might seem "babyish" but in reality his work helped the young and old alike to learn to read through repetition and word parts. So Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Next, Tuesday 3/3, is Read Across America Day. Ever wonder what books America's students like best? Here's a short list broken down by grade level:
Green Eggs and Ham- Dr. Seuss (1st grade)
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie- Laura Numeroff (2nd grade)
Charlotte's Web- EB WHite (3rd Grade)
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing- Judy Blume (4th grade)
Bridge to Terabithia- Katherine Paterson (5th grade)
Hatchet- Gary Paulson (6th grade)
The Outsiders- SE Hinton (7th and 8th grade)
To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee (9-12th grade)

Have you read all these titles yet? :)

Assignment #2 (DUE Wednesday 3/4/09)
1. What book or author was your favorite growing up? Write a short description of the book, be sure to include the TITLE, and WHY it was your favorite.

2. What would be on YOUR list of the Top 5 Greatest Books to read? List them from 1 to 5. Try to inclue both TITLE and AUTHOR.