Wednesday, March 18, 2009

EdPerformance: a good measuring tool or a waste of time?

Simple question today! Due Thursday March 19th

1. What is you opinion of the EdPerformance series?
a. what is one potential GOOD thing that it does?
b. What is one potential BAD thing it does?
c. do you think it accurately measures how good of a reader you are?

2. How do you feel when you see your reading grade level after you are done with the test?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1.Even though I have to take the test of edperformance I dont really like taking them. helps me regain reading skills.
    B. it gets boring.
    C.yes. depends what grade i got on the test,
    if it got down then i feel a bit unhappy
    if it went up then i feel good

  3. 1.Even though we are assigned to take this I dont like it either.

    A.But If you actually focus on it, it does help you learn something

    B.It gets longer and longer as you do better

    C.Well for the people who actully did it yea their are some kids in the class who just guess on all of them (haci)(just kidding) and because of that the test will be showing random results.

    2.Well I have never seen my grade level because I never got the chance to see it.

  4. it was medium but i don't like the ed performance test because its to long and it keeps asking you questions

    1 potential thing is that it lets the teacher how we improve and how we are understanding the class

    1 potential bad thing is that its long and it wastes a lot of time

    yes because us kids don't like the performance test

  5. oppinon is that i think is not kool cause like aother test and when it comes to test it gets me stress out and i reely dont like feeling likethat

    2.the good things about the edpreformes is that it haves a graph and let me see how been doing if i have been going down or up or if i need improvement and also i like it cause i could taake it online

    3.the bad thing is tat have alot question that dont make sence and that are weird also its to long and complicated it should be fun and enjoy able

    4.i think it does put sometimes a good reader is also my the speakinq i think edpreformes should be like readone180 is fun i injoy it and its very nice and let u even talk and just a way u could speak more and listen and do more nice stuff

  6. 1my opinion of the the edpermance is a lazy way for teachers to see how their kids are doing. 2one good thing about the permance is that you see your level in what you are doing. 3 a bad thing about this is the test takes to long. 4 i feel okay about the level of my test because i allways in the same levels

  7. My opinion on edperformanceI think that cool cause that help.
    the good potentiel is when you know the new wood or somting else
    I the storys that what I think is bad
    some time (peur)some timegood

  8. 1)well my opinion is that edperformance series is that even thought i have to take it,i
    really dont enjoy answering alot of questions
    a)one potential good thing it does is that it improves your english skill level and some times when u did good you fell confident.
    b)one bad thing that it does is that it keeps on going if your doing well.
    c)no because your not only reading your answering question about words and what they mean.

    2)it depends on how i did like if i went higher i would fell happy and confident.and if i went lower i wouldnt be happy because i would fell dumb.
